Sunday, August 19, 2007

DFTD and John Eales

To be fair, I don't think he had a clue who these two clowns were.

We were packing up in the car park at Dawson mine, when Andrew Lau pointed out John Eales arriving at the mine. He is in Moura doing something for Anglo Coal Dawson, and so was kitted out with a Dawson shirt etc, but still unmistakeable to anyone who follows rugby.

So, JE is trying to get to work as you do when he gets bailed up by these two units in motorcycle kit - being rugby nuts the both of us this was an opportunity not to be missed. Before you know it, he was holding our flag, getting his photo snapped, while Andrew gave him a rapid fire explanation (...blah blah motor cycles... visiting australian mines..... flying doctors).

Years at the helm of the Wallabies meant having his morning waylaid by bikers didn't phase him at all... he just took a deep breath, three big steps, and kicked Mango over the crib hut (dramatisation, may not have actually occurred).

Anyway, we were stoked with the photo, and many thanks go to John for putting up with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.