Boxy sorted us out very nicely indeed in Middlemount. After cooking us a feast the night before we arrived on site to another great turnout for a BBQ lunch. Everyone opened their wallets and a few snags later we had $405 for the kitty. Thanks to James for his efforts in organising the BBQ and getting people to turn out for us.
The Capcoal Crew Dig For The Doctors

With no hurry to get to Moranbah we then had a sticky beak around the German Creek and Lake Lindsay operations, including the tub of another dragline being constructed – Bucyrus must be doing good business these days.

Geerbox Hands Over The Cash
Thanks to all at Capcoal who turned out for the BBQ, and thanks for the stickers for the bikes!
We then headed off to Moranbah and it was déjà vu all over again for me, riding past Dysart, Saraji and into Moranbah – I spent a year in Dysart at Saraji and a year in Moranbah, and haven’t been back for years. We also took the opportunity to take a few more photos and vids – we are still working on getting the vids uploaded onto YouTube. We ended the evening at Ben ‘Bearded Wildman’ Spencer’s place, where as Mango put it, ‘We will stay until we have worn out our welcome’.

Mang's Dakar
Uuuurgh! How it work?
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