Dessert didn't sit too well with either of us. Tom woke up to hear Neil racing down the stairs from the loft juggling the remains of his dinner.... We both woke up crook, and had to cancel our planned visit to the Skilled offices again, and make our way out of town. Tom rang up the mess and let them know what we thought of dinner, they responded by suggesting we provide a stool sample. Not wanting to delay his departure any longer Neil declined the offer to crap in a cup, and left for Newman. Tom stuck round, and went to the doctor's, however they couldn't fit him in until the afternoon, so he ended up on the road as well.
Pat Was On The Case For Us
We then made our separate ways to Newman, and on down to Barrick's Plutonic operation where we were to take part in their Oktoberfest celebrations. We turned up just on dark and pretty stuffed. German beer is not the best thing to get stuck into when you are dehydrated from food poisoning, however we both manned up and gave it a shot. We were met by Mel the entertainment coordinator (what a job...), and uni mate and fellow GijimaAST lurker Pat.

Beer Makes Mel's Hair Go Funny
Much beer was consumed, though not by us. Prizes were raffled, and steins were auctioned. By the time the second stein was on offer Kira the barmaid upped the ante with a kiss to the winner, and bidding quickly raced up to $200. Some of the boys really wanted that stein....All in all a great night, with the efforts of the Plutonic workers totalling $1890.65 - a great night.

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