Day 12 was planned to be a big one at the Norwich Park shin dig called "Day at the Park". This is a mine open day where the mine allows the public to visit and see what happens on site. The organisers Leah and Deb were kind enough to allow us to have a stall - and they went all out with a tent that was larger than Neil's apartment in Brisbane. The day started off very early - 7:00am or so with an induction that was really more of just a general yarn and given that the induction tour of CQ was progressing well we passed with flying colours.
Our stall set up and ready to go!
After a quick hunt for a bit of breakfast Neil spotted the mobile coffee wagon on the map of the area and as he was disappearing Tom managed to advocate for a bottom less cup. Neil demonstrated his honed bargaining skills in talking old mate down and got a pretty good deal on the bottom less cup and the owner also donated much of what we paid during a quiet spot in their trade. There were a lot of people through the day coming up and talking to us and also having a look at the bikes and discussing motorcycling experiences! All up it was a good day raising $393.85 and quite a few were interested in the stories that we had to offer.
The bikes were the stars of the show all day long
Along the way one of the other display owners decided to donate a couple of balsa wood planes. Neil lost his as Tom gave it away when he became bored with little kids asking if they could have it and who really can say no to a little kid.. Tom's plane didn't fly very well but it was transformed with teh assistance of some stickers into a mini RFDS plane. On it's maiden flight it was snaffled by a youngster but we are not sure of what they made of the colour scheme.

That evening we kicked back with a few cold ones and were supposed to be watching a couple of bands including Pete Murrey. The music was pretty cool but the bar was on the other side of the oval and without binoculars it was a bit tough to follow the action on stage. By that stage the beer had kicked in and all cares were forgotton for another day...

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