Day 22 was planned to be an easy riding day as Cannington was to be visited in the afternoon. Britt and the exploration geo's suggested a route and off Tom and Neil went. First turnoff and we were lost. Three different gates and a track that was suspect. Luckly at that junction a farmer came along and pointed us in the right direction and also opened a couple of gates - Cheers for that! Having lost his new side stand plate the previous day, Neil was now free to open up and see what his bike would do. Tom was also looking to lose side stand extender number 2 and both set a cracking pace across the dirt. No incidents to report but Tom managed to snare some great footage of Neil being chased by a cow! Unfortunately this will have to wait until we sort out the publishing of video thingy. 
Arriving at Cannington we checked in and had a golf buggy to carry our stuff from the bikes to our rooms. Tom was not allowed to drive as the locals thought he looked like a mad golf buggy driver and insisted on chaufferring him around. The mine turned on a pretty impressive BBQ and the lads from the HSEC team hooked into cooking and all gathered around for a beer and steaks. A pass around of the hat with those attending resulted in $389.40 being generously donated to the RFDS - pretty good effort for what was a quiet night in the camp.

Arriving at Cannington we checked in and had a golf buggy to carry our stuff from the bikes to our rooms. Tom was not allowed to drive as the locals thought he looked like a mad golf buggy driver and insisted on chaufferring him around. The mine turned on a pretty impressive BBQ and the lads from the HSEC team hooked into cooking and all gathered around for a beer and steaks. A pass around of the hat with those attending resulted in $389.40 being generously donated to the RFDS - pretty good effort for what was a quiet night in the camp.
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